Friday, July 01, 2005

Not so much a WAR of the Worlds,

as much as the people of earth having their collective ASSES being handed to them on a silver platter, but yet having things end with a healthy dose of Sugary Sweetness.

Steven Spielberg returns to the Genre he single-handedly defined in 1975 with the release of Jaws in War Of The Worlds, undoubtedly one of the anxiously awaited summer flicks this year, next to Batman, and Revenge of the Sith.

In this, the second big screen adaptation of the 1898 HG Wells novel, Spielberg centres the focus of the story around a family with Tom Cruise as the Father of that precocious Dakota Fanning, and Justin Chatwin. This is the story of their survival of the aliens attack, which, bearas striking similarities to the terrorist attack on Sept. 11. The world, much like America back then is arrogant in their domination of their planet, and are in a false sense of security as the aliens begin the extermination of the human race.

Spielberg pulls out ALL the tricks in his bag of filmmaking techniques - This movie has elements of JAWS, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THRID KIND, and a LOT of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN in it. You are wrapped up in the savagery of the attack, and the horror. You actually feel helpless.

War Of The Worlds is a very tightly directed 100 minute movie. Unfortuantely, the movie runs 117 minutes, and Spielberg completely blows the ending by bringing in his trademark sugary ending, which ruined the experience for me. Why does he do that?

Overall, War Of The Worlds delivers, but falls short on the ending for me, It's good, but not some of Spielberg's best work.


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