Monday, August 29, 2005

I am from the

Drive-In generation. I remember as a child waiting for my dad to come home, so we could all get in the car to see a movie at the Drive-In. There are so many memories.. The first movie I remember seeing at a drive -in was KING SOLOMON'S MINES, Then PETER PAN.

For a time I moved to a small town, and I loved going to the Drive-In. A group of people, gathering together to watch a movie, and make-out. Now, the Drive-In is all but extinct where I live, just a distant memory now, one that is lost to future generations.

I'm reminded of the Drive-In experience because this weekend, I went to a MOVIE IN THE PARK, which brought back all the memories of going to the drive-in.

Funny what triggers memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember going to a long-weekend, all night drive-in where we saw, Zacariah - an Electric Western years ago. One night, the same group of us were together and started talking about it. I went on and found the VHS so ordered it. It's terrible but still brings back so many fond memories of that group and time.